Interest Group News!

Fall is upon us and winter is not far away.  Are you looking for something fun to do in these colder months?  Check out our new interest groups:  cribbage, beading and a new book club.  We also need volunteers to start new interest groups.

      A cribbage set. The cribbage group meets every other Monday. The beading group gathers monthly in group members’ homes for fun and inspiration.

   The new Book Club is being offered the first Thursday of the month in the evening. Members interested in joining can find the leader’s contact info on the Interest Group page (you need to be logged in).

No experience for these new groups is required and new members are welcome.  Click here to learn more.


    The Community Service group will be starting soon under new leadership. This interest group will provide community service opportunities for members to participate in such as volunteering at Fork and Spoon, Earth Day projects, Food Bank, school lunch packing, Bozeman Beautification, Thanksgiving Day basket packing, Huffing for Stuffing and more! If you are interested in joining this group, contact the leader here.

WANTED: New leader for the “Knitting” interest group.

WANTED: Someone to start up a “Happy Hour” interest group. Contact the Interest Group Coordinator – info found on this page.