GVNC’s 2023 Fundraising to Benefit Meals-On-Wheels

The Gallatin Valley Newcomers Club, a philanthropic organization, annually undertakes a fundraising campaign, with the proceeds benefiting a local nonprofit chosen in the July vote of the membership. This year we will be raising money for the Meals-On-Wheels Gallatin County program run by the Bozeman Senior Center.

Raffle Ticket sales kick off at the September 7th luncheon and we will pull ticket winners at the November 9th luncheon. Our goal is to raise $25,000 and we look forward to your generosity, whether via ticket sales or direct contributions made online on the GVNC website (donation link coming soon).


A knock at the door might not seem like a big deal to many of us. But to a homebound senior, it could signal the arrival of the only person they might see all day or all week long. It brings hope. It brings health. It brings the nutrition and care that will completely make their day. A knock from Meals on Wheels can even save lives.

The Meals-On-Wheels program under the Older Americans Act is aimed at providing nutritious meals to homebound individuals over the age of 60. Bozeman Senior Center has been providing this service in Gallatin County for 41 years. Clients eligible for this program include all senior citizens over the age of 60 who are unable to prepare meals for themselves, or not able to come to the nutrition site for meals served there. Bulk frozen meals are also available to homebound individuals who live outside the delivery area.