Get Involved in GVNC!

One of the many ways you can get involved in GVNC is to become a member of the Board Executive Committee or become one of our many Committee Chairs. These positions fulfill a variety of responsibilities to help ensure a strong membership, to fulfill our responsibilities as a nonprofit, and to set the strategy for the organization. This is a great opportunity to meet many new people and have the satisfaction of participating in a great organization!

There are currently three open Board positions for 2024 for which the Nominating Committee will be recruiting: Vice President, Secretary, and the Communications and Marketing Chair. Briefly, here are the descriptions for each of these positions.

Vice President: The Vice President is a member of the Executive Committee and assumes the position of President after one year. The Vice President attends all monthly Board Meetings, fills in for the President as necessary, and chairs the Nominating Committee to prepare a slate of candidates to present to GVNC members for election each April.

Secretary: The Secretary is a member of the Executive Committee and is responsible for maintaining GVNC records. The Secretary attends all monthly Board Meetings, creates the official minutes for each meeting, and ensures the approved minutes are retained in the GVNC archives and are posted each month on the GVNC website.

Communications and Marketing Chair: This position is a member of the GVNC Board, attends monthly Board Meetings and reports on the activities of several communications subcommittees. This is a vital position for ensuring that GVNC members are updated on a timely basis of the happenings across the organization. Specific responsibilities include regularly updating the Attention section of the website, monitoring the Contact Us webmail regularly and forwarding communications to the correct party within the organization.

If you are interested in joining our dynamic Board and helping to set the future direction of our organization, please contact Vice President Jorie Ready to learn more about these positions. Your involvement can make a difference and we would love to hear from you!