Members of the new GVNC board met for their annual retreat on June 15th. This five hour gathering was an opportunity for the volunteer board members to get better acquainted and set the groundwork for a year of effective teamwork. Issues such as growth and making new members feel welcomed were addressed. Throughout the year the board members and committee chairs will be documenting the GVNC processes to ensure well run events while enabling an easy transition for new board members.
Fundraising plans and challenges were discussed to set us on a solid path for fulfilling our mission of supporting our community. In July, watch for the privilege to vote for the local nonprofit that GVNC will support through our 2023 raffle fundraiser.
A committee was established for planning the holiday party. This group is challenged with finding a venue that can accommodate our growing membership while making the event quaint and affordable. Your ideas are always welcome.
Given the website, newsletter, emails, and social media, communication can still be challenging. The team is investigating communication at interest group gatherings as a means to engage our members where they are most active.